Hello, I’m Michael Sliwinski, founder of Nozbe - to-do app for business owners and their teams. I write essays, books, work on projects and I podcast for you using #iPadOnly in #NoOffice as I believe that work is not a place you go to, it’s a thing you do. More…

No Office, Productivity and Running a successful online business - where I was invited to talk about these things?

🤩Guest appearances

Update in 2020: I’m now re-posting all my guest interviews and speaking engagements in English and in Polish.

As Nozbe and this blog became more popular, I got invited to many events, speaking engagements and podcast interviews. Some in English, some in my mother tongue (Polish). Here are a few I’m really proud of and where hopefully you can get value from by listening to me talking about No Office, productivity, iPad Only and business:

No Office, Productivity and Running a successful online business - where I was invited to talk about these things?

(Photo credit: Wojtek Frasz - me in front of a 2000 people audience on Element Talks conference in 2016)

Here’s the list. I’ve started with the most recent appearances (updated 20 December 2018):



2016 - In English

2016 - In Polish

Past notable appearances:

Where I reagularly contribute:

Monday, August 1, 2016 /where/